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Pacchetto Inverno-Pacchetti Convenienza

Pacchetto Inverno

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Il Pacchetto Inverno contiene i seguenti prodotti:

  • 1 Succo di Aloe di Padre Zago, ricetta Classica
  • 1 Crema Balsamica, aloe, mentolo, eucalipto
  • 1 Tisana di Sambuco
  • 1 Tisana Piantaggine
  • 1 Tisana di Timo
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63,45 € tax incl.

Instead of 70,50 € tax incl.

MINIMUM ORDER per ordini in Italia di almeno 36 euro;

Instead of 84,70 €

Earn: 63 NaturePoints

Pacchetto di erbe della salute per la prevenzione e il trattamento dei malanni tipici invernali (tosse, raffreddore, mal di gola, sinusite, febbre, influenza, ecc.). Questo pacchetto contiene i seguenti prodotti:

  • Succo di Aloe: aiuta a rafforzare le difese immunitarie in modo 100% naturale, rafforza l'apparato respiratorio e l'apparato gastrico e aiuta a prevenire, supportare e superare i malanni di stagione, può naturalmente aumenta le difese immunitarie,oramai sono indiscusse le sue proprietà!
  • Crema balsamica all'Aloe: grazie all'azione dell'aloe, mentolo ed eucalipto aiuta a liberare il naso, dal raffreddore e da sollievo ai bronchi, applicare regolarmente
  • Tisana di piantaggine: scioglie il catarro, seda la tosse, ha azione antibatterica
  • Tisana di sambuco: abbassa la febbre e aiuta a ridurre i sintomi influenzali
  • Tisana di timo: scioglie il catarro, seda la tosse, ha azione antibatterica, antifungina ed antivirale

Come si usa?

Succo di Aloe

Il succo di Aloe si assume secondo lo schema classico raccomandato da Padre Romano Zago. Quindi 3 cucchiai al giorno, da assumere a stomaco vuoto mezz'ora prima dei tre pasti principali (colazione, pranzo e cena).  Per maggiori dettagli leggi qui: come assumere la ricetta

Il succo di Aloe stimola il sistema immunitario ed è ottimo sia se utilizzato al bisogno, sia come rimedio preventivo.

Crema balsamica all'Aloe

La crema balsamica si utilizza al bisogno, cioè solo quando si avvertono dei sintomi di malessere, come tosse, mal di gola, raffreddore, ecc. Basta prendere con le dita un po' di crema e spalmarla delicatamente sulla zona interessata. Per esempio si spalma sul collo in caso di gola infiammata, o nella zona dei seni frontali in caso di sinusite e raffreddore.  Lascia che la crema venga assorbita dalla pelle per godere appieno dell'azione balsamica ed antinfiammatoria.


Le tre tisane possono essere utilizzate sia separatamente, che miscelate insieme (cioè tisana di piantaggine, timo e sambuco). La tisana di sambuco è quella più indicata per abbassare la febbre. Può essere assunta da sola o miscelata con timo e piantaggine per un'azione più efficace. Se non c'è febbre, ma solo sintomi da raffreddamento, come tosse, catarro, naso chiuso, ecc., sono più indicati timo e piantaggine. Anche queste possono essere utilizzate separatamente, o miscelate insieme per un'azione più marcata. Si usa il quantitativo di un cucchiaino (o poco più), per circa una tazza d'acqua (250 ml). Per preparare la tisana ti basterà portare l'acqua in ebollizione, spegnere la fiamma e versare nell'acqua bollente un cucchiaino di erba essiccata. Si lascia riposare 10 minuti e poi si filtra e si beve calda. Consigliate fino a 3 tazze di tisana al giorno.

  • La tisana di sambuco si utilizza al bisogno, cioè quando c'è febbre. E' inoltre un utile rimedio per eliminare gli acidi urici in eccesso.
  • La tisana di timo si può assumere sia al bisogno, che come rimedio preventivo. Ha anche proprietà digestive, aiuta ad alleviare il dolore in caso di emicranie, è efficace in caso di infezione delle vie urinarie (cistite)  ed è utile per sbarazzarsi dei vermi intestinali, in quanto gode di proprietà vermifughe.
  • La tisana di piantaggine, così come per il timo, si può assumere sia in caso di bisogno, che come preventivo. Oltre che per le malattie dell'apparato respiratorio, la tisana di piantaggine è un rimedio molto utile in caso di emorroidi sanguinanti e come colluttorio per affezioni della bocca, gengiviti, herpes ed afte.

Shipping takes place every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, delivery in 24-48 hours on average to Italy, and 24-48 hours with air shipment, to the rest of Europe.
Shipment on the road to the rest of europe shipping takes place in 72/96 hours.

Pack content

coltivato in ambiente sano 100% natural product, without preservatives hand-picked plant produced and cultivated with love dried at low temperatures produced and cultivated by our farm 100% vegan

Dried leaves of Plantain (Plantago lanceolata), herbal tea cut. Plantain plants grown in Italy (Fermo), harvested by hand and dried at low temperatures.

  • Produced by our Company!
  • Ingredients: Plantain (Plantago lanceolata), leaves
  • Pack of 50 g, 500g and 1kg


The plantain is a very common spontaneous perennial plant and considered by most as a weed. It is very common along the edges of meadows and paths in the countryside, on the hills and in the mountains.

In the Marche region it is called rabbit ears because of its leaves, which were given to rabbits both as food and as a natural remedy for their health.

The plant is edible and can be used, both fresh and dried, also for human consumption. In herbal medicine, herbal teas and syrups based on plantain are very common, used above all during the cold season.

Like all the plants we grow, we do not use any type of chemical product (pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, etc.) for the cultivation of Plantain. The plant is grown naturally, on our land in the open countryside, in the Fermo area (Italy).

The harvesting of the Plantain leaves takes place by hand, in the period from April to July. The leaves are then dried at low temperatures (<43°).

Finally they are shredded and bagged. The Plantain herbal tea is now ready to be enjoyed alone, or in combination with other of our herbal teas.

Usage tips

Infusion . Take a teaspoon of plantain leaves and a cup of water.

Bring the water to a boil, then turn it off and add the dried leaves, leaving them to rest for 10 minutes. Strain and drink the hot herbal tea.


Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place.

coltivato in ambiente sano 100% natural product, without preservatives hand-picked plant produced and cultivated with love dried at low temperatures produced and cultivated by our farm 100% vegan

Dried elderflowers, obtained from our own elderberry (Sambucus nigra) plants, grown on our land in Fermo (Italy) in the open countryside. The plants are grown in a 100% natural way and the flowers are dried at low temperatures.

  • Produced by our Company!
  • Ingredients: Elderberry (Sambucus nigra), flowers
  • Pack of 50 g


Elderberry ( Sambucus Nigra) in its scientific name, is a very common plant on the boot, usually ascribed to the hedge family.

The small size, in fact, makes this tree an almost ubiquitous vegetable: it is found in mountain woods, in city parks, but also close to roads and urban areas.

In addition to its purely ornamental function, the elderberry is also widely used as a food and in the herbal field. The fruits are excellent eaten fresh, or dried, or for the production of jams. While the dried flowers can be used for the preparation of herbal teas .

Our company has been cultivating Sambucus nigra plants for many years, from which we collect the flowers by hand during the spring season. The plants are grown in an absolutely natural way, without the aid of chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides or chemical fertilizers.

Once harvested, the flowers are dried at low temperatures, using special tunnels with controlled temperatures and ventilation. The temperatures in the tunnel never exceed 43°, with the aim of keeping the organoleptic properties of the plant unaltered.

Finally the flowers are packaged and are ready to be used for the preparation of tasty hot or cold herbal teas. The cold elderberry herbal tea with the addition of a little lemon is also excellent.

Usage tips

Infusion . Take a teaspoon of elderflower and a cup of water.

Bring the water to the boil, then turn it off and pour the flowers, leaving them to rest for 10 minutes. Then it is filtered and drunk.


Keep out of reach of children. Store in a dry place, away from sunlight and heat sources.

coltivato in ambiente sano 100% natural product, without preservatives hand-picked plant produced and cultivated with love dried at low temperatures produced and cultivated by our farm 100% vegan

Dried Thyme leaves and flowering tops, herbal tea cut. Naturally grown thyme plants on our land in Fermo, Italy. Hand picked and dried at low temperatures.

  • Produced by our Company!
  • Thyme (Thymus vulgaris), leaves and flowering tops
  • Pack of 70 g, 500g and 1kg


The genus Thymus belongs to the Labiateae family and includes about 350 species of plants including the common thyme (Thymus vulgaris) native to the Western Mediterranean.

Thyme is a plant that we have been growing for several years on our land located in the countryside of Fermo, in Italy. The cultivation is 100% natural, without the use of chemicals that can be harmful to people or the environment, such as pesticides, herbicides or chemical fertilizers.

The collection of the flowering tops and leaves takes place through the mowing of the flowering plant, from April to the whole summer period. The plant is then dried in the classic way (bunches hung upside down), or through the use of special tunnels with controlled temperatures and ventilation. This allows us to dry at low temperatures (<43°), so as not to alter the aroma and properties of the plant.

Finally the Thyme is shredded and packaged. The herbal tea is ready to be enjoyed hot or warm. We recommend hot thyme herbal tea especially in the cold period, excellent especially in association with plants such as plantain, mint, licorice and elderberry.

Usage tips

Infusion. Thyme is used with a teaspoon of dried leaves and flowering tops on a cup of water. Bring the water to the boil, then turn it off and add the thyme, leaving it to rest for 10 minutes. Then it is filtered and drunk.


Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place.

coltivato in un ambiente sano prodotto con amore prodotto e coltivato dalla nostra azienda no alcol senza parabeni, paraffina, siliconi o altri derivati ​​del petrolio 100% vegan

The Tiger Cream is inspired by an ancient Chinese recipe, reworked with more natural ingredients and the addition of our Aloe Vera. The application can help soothe muscle aches and irritations of various types.

Other useful information:

  • Pack of 50ml, 100ml and 500ml
  • Produced and cultivated by our Company
  • Ingredients: Aloe Vera gel, Arnica M. Camphor, Harpagophytum P., Hydroxyethyl cellulose, Lavender off, Calendula off, Menthol, Eucalyptol, Cinnamonum Z., Eugenia C., Salvia off, Centella A., Melaleuca C., DMSO, Citrus Grandis seed extract.

What is it for?

Tiger cream is a recipe that follows an ancient Chinese ointment used to soothe irritations and muscle pains of various kinds. However, we have improved the original recipe by eliminating all that was chemical (such as paraffin and parabens) and adding our beloved Aloe Vera.

How to use

Apply to the affected areas with a tonic massage several times a day.


Do not apply to eyes and do not ingest. Keep out of reach of children.

coltivato in un ambiente sano Prodotto naturale al 100%, senza conservanti Fatto a mano prodotto con amore lavorato a freddo prodotto e coltivato dalla nostra azienda

Aloe Arborescens and honey, inspired by the famous recipe of the brazilian friar.

  • Produced and cultivated by our farm!
  • Aloe Arborescens 43%, Honey 56%, Alcohol 1%;
  • Glass container of 850 grams and 425 grams;
  • Fresh product, to be preserved in the fridge;
  • To be used within 60 days;
  • Cold processing, with whole leaves of Aloe Arborescens;
  • Without preservatives.


One of our crops of Aloe Arborescens:


This product is inspired by the famous recipe of the friar and is composed of:

  • 56% Honey;
  • 43% Aloe Arborescens;
  • 1% Alcohol.

How do I prepare Aloe juice?

  • It is a fresh product, made just before the shipping;
  • The plants are grown on the ground, in a natural way and in open countryside in the Marche hills of Fermo province;
  • All the plants of Aloe Arborescens, from which the leaves are harvested, are more than 9 years old;
  • The harvest of Aloe leaves is done only on those plants not irrigated for at least 6 days;
  • The leaves are harvested by hand just before dawn, and then cold processed in darkness in our laboratory;
  • We use first choice honey, always fresh coming from my land or from small beekeepers close to my farm;
  • Our Aloe products are 100% natural, contain no preservatives, sweeteners, thickeners, or other chemicals.;

Use: raw material for the self-production of cosmetics. It can be used for beauty masks, scrubs, etc.


Aloe has been widely used in many parts of the world for cosmetic and medicinal purposes for thousands of years.

The first evidence of the use of Aloe comes from ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia , where it was called " the plant of immortality ", in fact also used in the mixtures used for mummification (probably due to its natural antioxidant effect).

We then move on to Hippocrates (460-337 BC), father of modern medicine. In numerous medical books he praises his healing properties.

Discoride (20-70 AD) talks about it in "De materia medica", listing the properties of Aloe as healing, anti-inflammatory and useful in skin infections.

Pliny the Elder , in the treatise "Historia Naturalis", describes the therapeutic properties of Aloe .

It is also mentioned in various passages of the Bible : in the Book of Numbers, in the Song of Songs and in the Gospel of St. John (19.3) as a component of mixture used to anoint the body of Jesus after the descent from the cross.

The Tibetan medicine compared to the Ayurvedic they still use today for their preparations.

The Templars used aloe as an ingredient in a special drink they called " Jerusalem Elixir ".

In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance the medicinal use of aloe spread to the northern regions of Europe.

Christopher Columbus , who went down in history as "the explorer of the New World" in one of his writings declares that four plants are indispensable for man: wheat, vine, olive and aloe. The first nourishes, the second rejoices, the third gives harmony and the fourth gives health.

As you can see, the relationship between Aloe and human being is rooted in the mists of time and is not the latest news of the moment.

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rating Aloe del frate
Luigi P. on 01/03/2024 Mi trovo bene con questa aloe. Grazie. Buona giornata

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