Hi, I'm Mauro Vallesi, the owner of the Erbe di Mauro farm. I would like to tell you my story and that of the company.
How it all started
My adventure as a grower of Aloe and medicinal herbs began in 2008. At the time I was about 28 years old, but despite my young age, I had already been suffering from various health problems for some time .
I have always been attracted to alternative medicine and natural remedies so, to solve my ailments, I decided to try this path. I started by reading a lot and documenting myself on the internet and books, paying particular attention to the use of medicinal plants and herbs.
It was then that I discovered the properties of Aloe and more specifically, Father Romano Zago's recipe. Reading and deepening his writings, I was struck by it and so I decided to look for the plant. Once I found it, I learned how to grow it and take care of it and I realized its innumerable health-promoting properties. My life has changed.
When passion becomes work
After this positive experience, Aloe became part of my daily life, totally. I decided that I would dedicate myself body and soul to cultivate this marvelous plant and to spread my knowledge. My parents had inherited a splendid piece of land in the hills: it was the ideal place to set up my farm.
Initially it was very difficult to work due to the slope, the climate, and exposure to cold winds. After a few years of experience in cultivation, I managed to significantly increase cultivation, in a simple and natural way.
Today, almost 10 years later, my farm boasts the largest cultivation of Aloe Vera and Aloe Arborescens in the Marche region and, above all, the first plantation in the middle of the hills, i.e. in contact with healthier air, cleaner soil less contaminated waters. We are also one of the very few Italian companies specialized in the production of the preparation based on Aloe Arborescens and honey (unpasteurized and without preservatives).
Product which, I would like to clarify, is made fresh to order , meticulously following all the indications given in Father Romano Zago's book.
Over the years we have also expanded our range of products, starting to cultivate new medicinal plants in our fields , some native (such as calendula, helichrysum, thyme, sage, mallow, etc.), others originating from other countries, but which also adapt well to the Marche climate (such as gynostemma, kalanchoe, stevia and many others).
Working in the fields is my life.
I spend most of my time working in the fields, in contact with my plants.
I like to take care of them and cultivate them respecting the land and the environment. Furthermore, seeing that people manage to solve many of their health problems by consuming and taking my products fills me with joy and repays me for all my work.