-10% Lavander officinalis Essential Oil, 10ml (38) Lavender officinalis essential oil, 100% pure and natural. Produced by steam distillation of Lavender officinalis flowers. Also for food use. Useful for: Anxiety, nervousness and insomnia; Depression; Headaches; Acne, pimples; Too dry or too greasy skin; Beauty masks; Fungal infections of skin and nails; Dermatitis, eczema, urticaria and other skin irritations; Burns; Insect bites; Muscle pain (cramps, contractures, etc.) To get rid of moths; Digestive; Intestinal worms. Other useful information: Pack of 10 ml Produced in Italy Ingredients: Lavender officinalis essential oil (also called Lavanda angustifolia, or Lavender vera) €12.20 €10.98 Time left Add to cart View