Aloe Arborescens and honey, Concentrated version of Father Romano Zago, No alcohol

Aloe Arborescens and honey, inspired by the famous recipe of the brazilian friar Father Romano Zago. Concentrated version (with more Aloe and less honey) and without alcohol.
- Cultivated and produced by our farm!
- Aloe Arborescens 51%, Honey 49%, Alcohol 0%;
- Glass container 750 ml and 375 ml;
- Fresh product, to be preserved in the fridge;
- To be used within 45 days;
- Cold processed with whole leaves of Aloe Arborescens;
- Without preservatives.
One of our crops of Aloe Arborescens:
This product is inspired by the famous recipe of the friar Father Romano Zago, but is a Concentrated version with more Aloe Arborescens and less honey. It's composed of:
- 51% Aloe Arborescens;
- 49% Honey;
- 1% Alcohol.
How do I prepare Aloe juice?
- It is a fresh product, made just before the shipping;
- The plants are grown on the ground, in a natural way and in open countryside in the Marche hills of Fermo province;
- All the plants of Aloe Arborescens, from which the leaves are harvested, are more than 9 years old;
- The harvest of Aloe leaves is done only on those plants not irrigated for at least 6 days;
- The leaves are harvested by hand just before dawn, and then cold processed in darkness in our laboratory;
- We use first choice honey, always fresh coming from my land or from small beekeepers close to my farm;
- Our Aloe products are 100% natural, contain no preservatives, sweeteners, thickeners, or other chemicals.;
Use: raw material for the self-production of cosmetics. It can be used for beauty masks, scrubs, etc.
Aloe has been widely used in many parts of the world for cosmetic and medicinal purposes for thousands of years.
The first evidence of the use of Aloe comes from ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia , where it was called " the plant of immortality ", in fact also used in the mixtures used for mummification (probably due to its natural antioxidant effect).
We then move on to Hippocrates (460-337 BC), father of modern medicine. In numerous medical books he praises his healing properties.
Discoride (20-70 AD) talks about it in "De materia medica", listing the properties of Aloe as healing, anti-inflammatory and useful in skin infections.
Pliny the Elder , in the treatise "Historia Naturalis", describes the therapeutic properties of Aloe .
It is also mentioned in various passages of the Bible : in the Book of Numbers, in the Song of Songs and in the Gospel of St. John (19.3) as a component of mixture used to anoint the body of Jesus after the descent from the cross.
The Tibetan medicine compared to the Ayurvedic they still use today for their preparations.
The Templars used aloe as an ingredient in a special drink they called " Jerusalem Elixir ".
In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance the medicinal use of aloe spread to the northern regions of Europe.
Christopher Columbus , who went down in history as "the explorer of the New World" in one of his writings declares that four plants are indispensable for man: wheat, vine, olive and aloe. The first nourishes, the second rejoices, the third gives harmony and the fourth gives health.
As you can see, the relationship between Aloe and human being is rooted in the mists of time and is not the latest news of the moment.


Ho iniziato questo prodotto da circa un mese, dopo aver letto la sua storia del sig. Vallesi e le testimonianze degli altri clienti che stanno assumendo questo prodotto. Penso che per me è un po’ presto per dare un parere sul benessere dell’organismo. Il prodotto è ottimo e fresco su questo non ci sono dubbi, sono fiduciosa, di sicuro non può far che bene

L'ho comprata per mio fratello che ha problemi di prostata. È eccezionale. Almeno per il momento è riuscito ad evitare di rimettere il catetere, che ha dovuto farsi inserire per ben 4 volte di seguito. Vedremo come andrà seguendo la cura di aloe in abbinamento alle tisane, ma per ora questo preparato ha fatto una specie di miracolo. Perciò non posso che raccomandare i prodotti di Mauro, soprattutto per le persone che soffrono con la prostata

E' da un bel po' che compro i succhi di aloe secondo la ricetta di padre Zago da Erbe Di Mauro, che mantiene un alto livello qualitativo, la garanzia del prodotto fresco inviato subito dopo la preparazione, la spedizione puntuale e veloce. Tutto confermato anche con l'ultima spedizione di questo prodotto!

Prodotto ottimo preparato proprio il giorno che mi è stato spedito quindi super fresco. Ben confezionato nella scatola di polistirolo. La prox volta provo la versione super concentrata.

Il prodotto è ottimo, spedizione velocissima grazie