Black Garlic from Voghiera (Italy), Fresh, Fermented, 100g

The black garlic of Voghiera is a delicacy for the palate and a healthy touch for the body. It has a very different taste from common white garlic, sweet and with an aftertaste of licorice. In traditional Korean medicine, where black garlic has long been consumed, it is known for its high antioxidant content.
- Produced in Italy, Voghiera (FE)
- Black Garlic fermented, from Voghiera, cloves
- Total weight: 100g
Black garlic is nothing more than the common white garlic, however left to ferment for 30 days in an environment with constant and controlled temperature and humidity. After this period of time, the garlic is left to oxidize for another 45 days.
This fermentation + oxidation process produces garlic that is completely different from the original, in terms of colour, flavour, smell and nutritional values.
The color is black , it is almost odorless and is soft to the touch. The biggest advantage of black garlic is the taste, slightly sweet with an aftertaste reminiscent of licorice.
Finally, it is kiss-proof, meaning it doesn't make your breath stink. As far as its properties are concerned, black garlic is low in allicin, which on the one hand improves its digestibility, and on the other reduces its antibacterial effect. But the most interesting part of this product is its very high concentration of antioxidants.
Usage tips
To fully enjoy its healthy properties, black garlic should be eaten raw . Don't worry, the hint of garlic is very slight, while the sugary note due to the long fermentation is clearly distinguishable.
Usage is very simple.
Just peel the clove (the skin comes off very easily) and chop it up or even just crush it with the knife blade used flat: in fact, with fermentation it will have lost all fibrousness becoming very soft, almost creamy.
If you want to cook it in a pan, be careful to keep the flame low: in this way, it will melt in the bottom, just like anchovies, without taking on the bitter aftertaste of burnt garlic.
Black garlic is kept exactly like common garlic, in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. It should not be placed in the refrigerator.

top sia nella qualità che nel servizio...oltre che nella gentilezza.

Una piacevole scoperta, il sapore lo trovo molto buono, di facile abbinamento a molti piatti. La digeribilità è ottima, con l'aglio tradizionale invece ho sempre avuto problemi. Il prezzo è importante, ma l'aglio è un vero toccasana per il corpo.

Ho fatto il mio primo ordine la settimana scorsa, arrivato in tempi rapidissimi. Ho ordinato foglie di ulivo ed elicriso per tisane e l'aglio nero fermentato. Quest'ultimo era la prima volta che lo provavo, ottimo prodotto, buonissimo...senza contare le sue innumerevoli proprietà. Azienda seria, bravi e complimenti per la serietà del vostro lavoro!

Che dire sono rimasta felicemente sorpresa di questo aglio nero, non avevo mai assaggiato nulla di simile. L'ho provato crudo ed è davvero dolce con un retrogusto di liquirizia che lascia un buon sapore in bocca. Davvero buonissimo!